
Letter: Time for logging protests to stop

Lawlessness is escalating at Fairy Creek with illegal tree falling

Time for logging protests to stop

It is distressing and disrespectful that the Fairy Creek protesters have collected more than $1 million from the public using the Pacheedaht traditional territory and Pacheedaht resources to achieve that milestone. In addition to the urgent need for full transparency about what has happened with those funds the protesters should be delivering most of it to the Pacheedaht leadership and community who have continually and respectfully asked for these outsiders to leave their ancestral lands.

With Trump-like misinformation about B.C.’s forestry practices the year-long Fairy Creek campaign has continued even though major logging deferrals were agreed to by the Pacheedaht, Teal Jones and the B.C. government months ago.

Lawlessness is escalating at Fairy Creek with illegal tree falling, continued civil disobedience, attacks on the hardworking RCMP enforcing a legal injunction, littering and vandalism including defacing road safety signs. Protester presence adds to already high forest fire risks in the area and there are significant human waste issues there.

All taxpayers are being burdened by paying the huge costs of policing and protecting the public and the Pacheedaht people.

The protesters and others supporting them are acting in a paternal and colonial manner by demanding the Pacheedaht people adhere to the protesters’ views of logging and resource development and promoting conflict in the Pacheedaht community. Time for this craziness to stop!

W.E. Dumont

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen