Letter: Time to bring back capital punishment?

In the aftermath of some terrible shootings and killings one wonders how these incidents can be reduced, and those responsible punished.

In the aftermath of some terrible shootings and killings one wonders how these incidents can be reduced, and those responsible punished. Secular humanism is ruling the roost but let’s consider an alternative.

Every time there is some outrage the government is called upon to do “something.”

Why are there so many murders and other serious offenses? Could it be that the punishments for these crimes are far too lenient and the misfits who carry out these acts have no fear because of the soft punishments handed out by the courts?

When capital punishment was on the books for murder, would-be murderers would have thought hard and long before carrying out their crimes.

Instead of putting murderers in jail for a few years, to later be released and re-offend, serious consideration should be given to the re-introduction of capital punishment.

Jay Nauss

Chilliwack Progress