Letter: Time to return province’s health care system to health care professionals

Editor: As someone that is slated for knee replacement, I have a lot of time to ponder my situation and I am sure the lot of others.

In 2012, while I was working in Calgary, knee pain led to a diagnostic conclusion that I need my left knee replaced.

On this information I closed up shop early in 2013 and returned to Aldergrove to seek a doctor.

Consultation led to the doctor concluding that knee surgery was not required. I was taken aback.

I then searched the provincial information regarding surgery wait times and found they fluctuated rather haphazardly.

In fact, they seemed to depend upon the doctor and his or her standing in the community.

The doctor I have given my knee to for surgery original quoted me a wait of approximately seven months and I made arrangements for this period, regarding vacation and family visits to see the old man.

On checking my schedule, I now find the wait is nine months or more. This has thrown my plans out the window.

It appears to me that the running  our hospital system has been given over to people well educated in business, but clueless in the business of running a hospital.

Arranging to outsource food and cleaning for a minute saving is not correct administration of the “business” of caring for people and their health problems, how did the happen?

An MBA is a wonderful degree to have, but a mature doctor will know more about running a hospital than any MBA will ever learn.

Hopefully, the time will come when our health care system is returned to health professionals.

Terry Brenan,


Langley Times