LETTER: 'Tis the Season (for snow clearing)

LETTER: ‘Tis the Season (for snow clearing)

From reader Ron Robinson

‘Tis the season of snow clearing — or not, depending on where you live in Nelson and who you are. Clearing your sidewalk might mean one effort with each snowfall. Living on Nelson Avenue gives the opportunity to engage with each snowfall up to three times. The initial dump, when the snow is often light, then subsequent shovelling each time the road plough blasts heavy snow back on to the sidewalk.

The city bylaw indicates my responsibility to keep my walk clear and I do prefer walking on a cleared sidewalk. The alternative, taken by many, is to wait for the spring melt – the bylaw being just a figment of wishful thinking that can easily be ignored. So, shovel on – or not!

Ron Robinson


Nelson Star