
LETTER: To MP Rob Morrison

From reader Ron Robinson

It was with interest that I read your most recent newsletter. In order to give it more context, it would help if you had a comparative chart showing what policies the Liberals have implemented regarding both COVID-19 and economic recovery, and what the Conservative Party would do in the same situation.

Regarding health, particularly during COVID-19, you will recall that a majority of seniors in care are in private facilities, many of which had the military sent in to assist. You will also recall that seniors were the first to get vaccinated. You will also recall that with the Progressive Conservative Party under Brian Mulroney the Connaught Laboratories were shut down with the result Canada was not able to develop its own vaccine. These could be some of the items to include in a comparative chart.

Further to health, health of the planet affects us all. What policies would the CPC propose to help protect the nine dynamic systems that interconnect to maintain a healthy planet? Given the current global situation, these seem to be reasonable questions, particularly in the context of a possible fall election.

Ron Robinson


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