

LETTER: To Nelson City Council about Hall Street pier

From reader Cheryl Graham

Re: “Nelson considering new Hall Street pier as part of COVID-19 economic stimulus plan,” Oct. 1

Regarding the proposed Hall Street Pier replacement, we are one of only two marine pile driving contractors and dock building suppliers servicing Kootenay Lake. Can it really be that the City of Nelson is all but ready to award a major $1.2-million contract with no open/fair bidding process? What’s going on here?

The story mentions council has obtained pledges from only specifically named businesses to provide no cost or in-kind contributions. How would they even know these in-kind contributions and no cost pledges to be real/ true and honest when there were no competitive bids obtained from any other local businesses? As the only ‘other’ local dock and pile driving area company, we were not even contacted about this project. How can we and other companies who have products and services available provide our pledge to offer our services to council for this project? Were these meetings held behind closed doors? There was no RFP posted to allow for any fair competition. It came out of left field.

I spoke with Eric Martin at Harrop Procter Community Forest Products and some other area businesses to see if they had any opportunity to become involved with this project and they did not either. There are more companies in the area than just the ones listed in this proposal and it seems highly suspicious and unfair/ biased distribution of public funds.

On behalf of all other local businesses with potential interests in this project, I have formally requested an explanation for the lack of public process and a bid package.

A great proposal should have no problem standing up to the scrutiny of BC Bid, which is the normal platform the City of Nelson uses for major capital procurements.

Cheryl Graham, Co-owner

Graham Marine Construction


Nelson Star