LETTER: To Premier Clark on climate leadership

From local members of the Citizens' Climate Lobby...

From local members of the Citizens' Climate Lobby...

From local members of the Citizens' Climate Lobby...

Dear Premier Clark:

We heartily endorse this quote from your B.C. Climate Leadership Plan, released in August 2016:

“Climate change is one of the most critical issues humanity faces. It is an important battle that all governments need to demonstrate leadership on.”

However, in its current form, the Climate Leadership Plan is far from sufficient to reach the necessary greenhouse gas reduction targets. This plan ignores our 2020 target and does not set an interim target between now and 2050. There is a huge gap between what is proposed and the emission goals we’ve pledged to meet, with only a promise that more actions will be announced.

Now that the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change has been signed by First Ministers in December,it’s time to learn what those actions are. With no increase in the B.C. carbon tax expected until 2021, what other actions will be taken to make those emission cuts?

B.C. voters expect a plan with additional actions, sufficient funding and interim emissions targets. We have had extensive public consultation, a comprehensive report from our stellar climate leadership team and substantial analysis from the First Minister’s Working Groups. There’s now more than enough data to present a real plan of action.

B.C. voters deserve to have this information so they can make an educated choice on election day.

On behalf of all of your constituents, we request that the B.C. Liberal government show leadership and step forward with a solid climate plan.

Sincerely yours,

Jan Wright, Laura Sacks, Judy O’Leary, Paul Grace-Campbell, Dona Grace-Campbell, Ron Robinson, Alyssa Taburiaux, MikeGeisler, Anni Holtby

Citizens’ Climate Lobby


Nelson Star