
LETTER to Premier Horgan: vaccine rollout very disappointing

From reader Kim Green

Firstly I will start out saying that I think I probably speak for many people in this province when I say how disappointing the NDP Government’s performance has been with respect to vaccine roll-out.

Under-staffed vaccine clinics indicate the government did not take preparation for this activity seriously enough to hire more healthcare workers capable of administering vaccines. Instead, you relied on the generosity of our senior/retired heath services community to step up and volunteer their time to fill these positions.

Now the disappointment has grown exponentially since we have discovered that the entire Kootenay region does not rate highly enough on some bureaucrats’ decision-making chart to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine to be administered through our pharmacies. Eventually this COVID-19 epidemic will pass, but I think the profound disappointment that many B.C. residents are feeling right now regarding the lack of preparedness for a swift vaccine roll-out that has contributed to the biggest wave of infection and suffering through one year plus of the pandemic in B.C. will not be forgotten.

Kim Green


Nelson Star