Letter to the editor

A past-patient at the Invermere Hospital expresses her gratitude towards the overwhelmingly kind staff

I found myself in a situation whereby I spent most of last week in the Invermere and District Hospital Emergency Room receiving treatment from the Emergency Room team, and just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you for looking after me so well.

I cannot be described as a model patient by any stretch of the imagination; however the entire team was so patient and caring that I felt compelled to write. I was first seen by Dr. Olmesdahl, who obviously is a dedicated and meticulous doctor. At all times he was considerate of the pain I was in and extremely thorough in his examination and diagnosis. Sherri was the long-suffering nurse who had to deal with the initial interaction with me and was so calm and considerate despite the fact that I almost gave her a black eye when she touched me and that my blood pressure readings should have meant that I was actually dead!

Through the course of the week, I was looked after by Vilma, Shawna and Wendy, all of whom took care of me with patience and humour. Vilma recognized that I was going to cheat the system as much as possible so that I could leave the hospital at the earliest possible moment. Shawna recognized the same thing and entered into negotiations with me where I was even prepared to get out my cheque book! I realized  they were just doing what was in my best interest, but I am not a patient soul, and would much rather have been quaffing a glass of chardonnay, as I am sure would they.


Being in the service industry, I recognize genuine care, concern and empathy; however in my world, my guests actually want to be where they are. The challenge these professionals face is far greater in that the “guest” has no desire to be where they are. This makes what you do for people that much more special. I truly want to thank all of you for going, what I believe to be, above and beyond and know that we as a community are better off for having you. I am happily on the mend and as wonderful as you all are, I hope only to see you in the grocery store!


Amanda Robinson, Copper Point Resort General Manager




Invermere Valley Echo