

Letter to the editor

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

To the Editor,

Denial is not a river in Egypt. From personal experience, I found that denial might help you through a traumatic crisis in the short term, but it has longer term consequences and I think that ritual denial can be destructive.

Extremism causes the worst kinds of crime against people of faith, symbolized by crucifixion, head chopping or burning at the stake. It is not difficult to recognize mercenary terrorist thugs for what they are, whichever flag they fly, whoever arms and trains them and whether they use indiscriminate hell canons in urban areas or high tech arms. Even worse is the use of propaganda to brand a religious faith with the actions of criminals. “Be very afraid” is a mantra of mindless paranoia and tyranny while nation demolition is not globalization, but rather, medieval regression.

None of the world’s three great Abrahamic religions are immune from political perversion, the use of “religion” as a cover for the worst kind of political crimes. Globalization of humanity can only be achieved by compromise, diplomacy and mutual understanding rather than military aggression. President Trump recently threatened to annihilate the people of North Korea. I hope that this is a symptom of unthinking emotionalism rather than an apocalyptic mind set.

Is tribalism ingrained in our DNA? I hope not, but tribal culture goes back in our prehistory thousands of years at least and some of the electric universe scientists suggest that our species has been in its present form for a million years or more which may have included an amazing time when planetary “gods” were an ‘in your face’ reality ( thunderbolts.info ). I think that it is tragic that we know so little about prehistory and the fact that tyrants through the ages have been motivated to distort and destroy our real history.

Some pundits have claimed that Zionists have come to dominate the main stream media. Undoubtedly, this is an over simplification. The Unz Review, on September 28, published an article online titled _A Crash Course on the True Causes of “Anti-Semitism”_ in which the author argues that modern Judaism is Pharisaic Talmudism and provides a link to a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim. With careful reading of the article and listening to the lecture, one may come away with some understanding of this difficult and complex subject.

Robert Betts

West Creston

Creston Valley Advance