A raccoon prowls near a porch in north Nanaimo last fall. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Attack on dog shows raccoons can be nasty creatures

We had to take our black lab to the emergency vet for treatment, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Spring means raccoons will again try to get into houses, March 31.

From personal experience, raccoons can be very nasty creatures.

Last July early in the morning we let our old black lab Cash out into our fenced yard in Harewood. Shortly after we heard some loud yelping/growling and squealing as Cash had an altercation with a raccoon. Cash came limping back to the house – he had been bitten by the raccoon. We had to take him to the emergency vet for treatment, resulting in a $268 bill.

Cash had to have stitches in his paw as the wound was close to a major artery and also wear a cone on his head.

There are two sides to this story.

Anne Harris-Freed, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Baby raccoon rescued from 10-foot deep drainage pipe on Vancouver Island

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Nanaimo News Bulletin