The Regional District of Nanaimo faces challenges with garbage bin replacement requests. (Michael Briones photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bigger bins a sign we’re creating too much waste

We can reduce our garbage by seriously considering every single thing we buy, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: RDN faces challenges with requests around garbage bin replacements, March 10.

How disappointing that so many people want bigger garbage bins. They are going in the wrong direction.

Look around you at this moment; everything you see, can touch and smell, and taste, came from the Earth, and this how we thank her, by wasting her finite resources. I think of how future generations will have to cope, and clean up our mess. I hope people producing more garbage have to pay more, though that is not the answer.

We can easily reduce our garbage by seriously considering every single thing we buy. Do we really need it? Try the old ‘make do, use it up, wear it out’ philosophy. We talk about throwing garbage away, but there is no ‘away.’ We all share the same home.

S. Bell, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo residents ticketed for putting out garbage bins the night before pickup

To the editor,

Re: RDN faces challenges with requests around garbage bin replacements, March 10.

A neighbour of mine said it all when he asked me, “I wonder if anyone ever tried to put a full garbage bag into one of those cans before ordering and distributing them?”

Rod Hancock, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin