Jack Gibson plays guitar outside the Great National Land Building at the intersection of Commercial, Church and Chapel streets last month. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Business association’s initial efforts positive

There's been a good response from tourists and locals to downtown concerts, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: New BIA’s efforts won’t be enough to lift downtown, Letters, Aug. 4.

I think the music concert series and the new BIA are off to a good start. The very affordable amount of money spent on these concerts has done a world of good for some individual artists. More than one would expect, and on a lot of different levels.

The response from the tourists and most locals has also been overwhelmingly positive. This, to me is exactly how real support can be given to local artists, and at the same time enliven downtown. The corner concerts have made it more compelling for someone to visit for an hour or two over lunch. I saw this work with my own eyes.

More than 40 local performers who were diverse in age, financial status, gender, race and most importantly their unique musical or performance styles were given a little boost of support.

Thank you, Downtown Nanaimo, for doing this concert series. I look forward to the other well-thought-out plans they might carefully consider for downtown.

Valentina Cardinalli, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Mid-day outdoor entertainment series comes to downtown Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin