Letter to the Editor: Chamber speaks out

The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce promotes and supports responsible commerce.

Dear Editor,

The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce promotes and supports responsible commerce through effective advocacy, communication, networking and education on behalf of its member businesses throughout the Columbia Valley. We believe that the residents of the Columbia Valley are best served by a robust and thriving business environment that is always moving forward and taking advantage of opportunities that will add to the economic strength of the area.

To this end, we are concerned that the District of Invermere appears to be more interested in matters that lie outside of the District’s boundaries, rather than dealing with the economic, social and environmental issues that require strong leadership within the community.

Mayor Taft’s letter to the editor (‘Democracy defended’, Valley Echo, October 17, 2012) regarding Mountain Resort Municipalities in particular did not represent the best interests of the people of Invermere and only served to alienate those that do not agree with his point of view. The Mayor’s public letters and his continued badgering of the Provincial government does not serve any positive purpose during a time that our businesses are suffering and need all the help and support available.

We believe it is time to start working together with all levels of government in a positive and productive manner so that we may build a community where we can be proud to live, work and play.


Board of Directors

Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce


Invermere Valley Echo