City of Nanaimo’s council chambers, the Shaw Auditorium at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City council should save Nanaimo before trying to save planet

City councillors aren't at the G7 table, they represent a small B.C. city, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Council decides city will be guided by ‘doughnut’ economic framework, Dec. 23.

Have these city councillors’ heads got so inflated they think their elected position is to sit at the G7 table? They are elected city councillors in a small city in British Columbia. How about acting like it?

Instead of ‘doughnut’ models, bike lanes and saving the planet, try focusing on maintaining the landscaping and painting in our run-down city parks, sidewalks and walkways, removing graffiti on a daily basis and maintaining the roads and filling potholes.

I am ashamed of the way our city looks now. The city continues to slowly deteriorate and most residents have become numb to the state of it. The recent state of the homeless camp on Wesley Street is a good example. There are two sets of laws in this city. One for the hardworking taxpayer and one for those experiencing homelessness.

And please do not respond to me with ‘the homeless problem is a provincial matter’ or ‘the problem exists in every city’ because I do not care about other cities. Just my hometown.

Larry Kulai, Nanaimo

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: City of Nanaimo’s ‘doughnut’ has to be more than empty calories

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Nanaimo News Bulletin