Locations of speed humps and raised sidewalk on Bay Street. (City of Nanaimo image)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City has worse traffic problems than speeding on Bay Street

Letter writer says Departure Bay Road has worse traffic issues

To the editor,

Re: Speed humps becoming permanent on Bay Street, Nov. 25.

I live in the area of Bay Street and use it daily and I find the claim of reduction of speed and amount of cars false as to temporary speed bumps.

Personally I think the city missed the boat about speed and traffic control. It is most definitely not Bay Street, it’s Departure Bay Road between Loat Street and Hammond Bay Road. Traffic speeds downhill on Departure Bay Road from both ways. Very few people obey the 30-kilometre-per-hour posted speed. It would be in the public interest to post the 30km/h speed limit all the way along that road, with more police present. It’s a traffic nightmare; I’m surprised there hasn’t been a fatal traffic accident or death of a pedestrian.

Wake up city planners, you’re wasting taxpayers’ money on the wrong road. Bay Street is not the problem.

Kirk Campsall, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: City trying temporary measures to slow traffic past Departure Bay Beach

READ ALSO: Nanaimo city council wants more info about pilot project to lower residential speed limit

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Nanaimo News Bulletin