The Green Thumb property in north Nanaimo. (Barefoot Planning and Design)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City should have tried to buy land to save as green space

Letter writer sees park potential for private property worth close to $25 million

To the editor,

Re: Green Thumb developer asking for ‘urban node’ land use in north Nanaimo, July 29.

Congratulations Nanaimo city council, you’ve made the list for the most hypocritical council. First you seem so concerned about our environment and say we need more green space, but when you had the perfect opportunity to purchase the Green Thumb property, you choose to accept a developer’s application instead and all for extra tax dollars.

You have gained a great deal of revenue over the last few years with all the building construction throughout the city.

The Green Thumb acreage could have been made into a beautiful park and could have been one of Nanaimo’s jewels.

I sincerely hope you all enjoy trying to drive from Woodgrove to city hall, which will take you over an hour. You are contributing to more pollution and gridlock.

L. Marr, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo nursery property sells in historic deal

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Green Thumb proposal looks out of place in Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin