A vehicle turns left from Opal Road onto Rock City Road earlier this month. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City should learn from Opal Road mis-steps

Letter writer wonders if the city's next traffic-calming 'experiment' will be as interesting

To the editor,

Re: City council votes to return Opal Road to the way it was, May 12.

The dreamers in the traffic department at city hall sure know how to take all the fun out of life. Just as we were really enjoying the new tail end of Opal we now hear that she is going to be restored to her original plain stop-sign form. What a shame when we had now learned to do a one-handed left turn whizzing round the new triangular-about onto Rock City Road without losing a mudguard.

The correct alternative was to do a right turn onto Rock City and then a U-turn or W-turn if there are too many cars parked on the street.

One is glad to see the 50-yard cycle lane opposite Opal’s exit is to remain, at least some lives may be saved. All we can do now is to wait and see how the expenditure of $20,000 may affect the next traffic-calming experiment and hope it will be as interesting as this one was.

Mike Elrington, Nanaimo

RELATED: Nanaimo city council votes to return Opal Road to the way it was

RELATED: Nanaimo council sticks with Opal Road decision despite residents’ call for reconsideration

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Nanaimo News Bulletin