By giving water, allowing illegal structures, stolen property and strong-arming to take place on broken-into taxpayer land, we are enabling and justifying the continuation of all this bad behaviour, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

By giving water, allowing illegal structures, stolen property and strong-arming to take place on broken-into taxpayer land, we are enabling and justifying the continuation of all this bad behaviour, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Community is enabling tent city campers

They play the 'poor me' card and supporters flock to their aid, says letter writer

To the editor,

This is crazy. The mentally ill and drug addicted are running society. They play the ‘poor me’ card and supporters flock to their aid, but they won’t dare take them home. By giving a blanket or a smoke, think about it, you are just enabling the bad behaviour to go on. Had kids?

Everyone is responsible for their own lives. Tent cityers: accept your shortcomings and get help. If not, jail.

These people are contributing nothing to society or the tax base while they demand homes. Most shoplift, aggressively panhandle, defecate on the sidewalk, which I saw last week, do illegal drugs and some discard needles for people to step on. Where are society’s rights and protection? Where is arresting, institutionalizing or jailing these people who cannot look after themselves but who demand everything from society?

By giving water, allowing illegal structures, stolen property and strong-arming to take place on broken-into taxpayer land, we are enabling and justifying the continuation of all this bad behaviour. It is time for those who want this camp gone to now be the group gathering to protest at our publicly paid-for gates and land.

J.C. Broderick, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin