Nanaimo Fire Rescue firefighters put out hot spots after a house fire on Stobart Road in the the East Wellington area on the morning of Dec. 10. (GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin)

Nanaimo Fire Rescue firefighters put out hot spots after a house fire on Stobart Road in the the East Wellington area on the morning of Dec. 10. (GREG SAKAKI/The News Bulletin)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Community thanked after fire

The six of us have lost three generations of keepsakes and so so much more

To the editor,

Re: House on city limits burns down, Dec. 12.

I would like to thank so many I do not even know how or who. My home burned to the ground that we lived in with my mother and father-in-law, my husband and our two boys. The six of us have lost three generations of keepsakes and so so much more. My 22 finches, two rats, two cats and one lab. We hope the cats and dog got out or ran, but have little hope.RELATED: House in East Wellington area burns down

As I stood in Walmart crying in my robe and slippers trying to find things, a woman asked what was up and I told her of our loss and she gave me $20 to help out, then another stranger heard and tracked me down with a $20 gift card and chocolates. My dad and his girlfriend gave me money for clothes and food. Our friends and family have brought blankets and more. The neighbours gave love and a trailer for my in-laws so they can stay on the property while we look for something to rent or whatever. So, so many people. The school district, Best Buy, Pacific Dental Centre, Pennington’s, Marsh and Sons. And my workplace Marketlinc as well for being more than understanding at my time off. And Jody for sharing her work PC.

Also money donations and more from so many. I am so lost and so thankful to so many with more offers of furniture and bedding once we have a place to live. Bless you all to infinity and back and I am so so sorry if I missed anyone. There is so many from strangers to friends. Thank you. Bless you all so so much as I write this with tears again.

My worst fear was fire and all my keepsakes being lost, but from the ashes so much love has been shown.

Janet Reginato, Nanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin