The Front Street cycle track is closed often, says cyclist. (Photo submitted)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cycling isn’t being prioritized along Front Street bike lanes

Cycle lanes are used as loading zones and short-term parking too often, says letter writer

To the editor,

Nanaimo’s new two-way bicycle lane on Front Street is frequently used as a commercial loading zone by courier vans and delivery trucks. They obstruct the bicycle lane even though it’s signed as a bike lane, not a loading zone. To add insult to injury, RDN bas passengers are unloaded onto the bike lane, Gabriola ferry traffic stops on it and on Friday night, taxi cabs park in it.

For a cyclist who rides with clip-in pedals, unclipping and re-clipping too often makes this lane hard to like. It worsens when a furnitures truck obstructs the lane for an hour while servicing an upper floor.

The signage indicating a two-way cycle lane is very clear. Other signs used are ‘cyclists dismount and use sidewalk,’ ‘cyclists yield to pedestrians,’ ‘bike lane ends,’ and the last sign installed by the city, ‘please like and follow this post.’ I think the signs should say, ‘please don’t obstruct the bike lane’ or ‘tow-away zone.’ Honestly, I thought this expenditure was for a genuine bike lane?

Russell Glennie, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-constructed Front Street’s cycle lanes are user-friendly

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Front Street’s criss-cross lines don’t make sense

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Nanaimo News Bulletin