Letter to the Editor: Deb McIntosh

There will be a Peace and Healing Vigil on Sunday, June 19 at Millennium Park starting at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Dear Editor,

There has been so much pain and turmoil over the past while. I know many have endured so much that it actually weighs heavy on all of our shoulders. We need tocleanse, mourn, unite and stand strong as a community. We need to show solidarity and strength to those that need it most. We need to show that love is stronger thanhate. We carry in our hearts, love, acceptance, inclusion amidst all of the world’s adversity. We are strong and we are united.

There will be a Peace and Healing Vigil on Sunday, June 19 at Millennium Park starting at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

Deb McIntosh, Castlegar


Castlegar News