Letter to the Editor: Don’t develop on wild area

An open letter to MLA Linda Larson about a proposed seniors' housing development at Christina Lake.

Editor, The Gazette:

An open letter to Boundary-Similkameen MLA Linda Larson

It has come to my attention that a senior’s housing cevelopment is being planned for the

area next to the Welcome Centre at Christina Lake.

I have lived in the Christina Lake area

for over 30 years and have loved every minute of it. The area being considered for the

development is the only “wild” area left at this end of the lake.

To take this beautiful area and make it the domain of only people who can pay to live there,

is, in my opinion, a crime. I would ask that this be reconsidered. I know I am only one

person but I feel there is support for this position.

There are deer, beaver, bear and many birds that call this area home. I took my children

there and now my grandchildren. It is a truly magical place with large beaver dams, huge

trees, winding paths and bird nests. It is a wild place where we can walk to see what this

lovely lake was like before development.

I feel this should be shared by all people who live and visit here. I hope that my letter of

concerns gives another vision for this lovely place.

There are many places available for

senior housing in the area and the one adult community we have now is by no means to

capacity. Please save this area for all of us to use and enjoy for many generations to come.

Jill Gresley-Jones,

Christina Lake



Grand Forks Gazette