Drug users, friends, family and supporting community groups in Nanaimo held a rally and march April 16 as part of the National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis. CHRIS BUSH/Nanaimo News Bulletin

Drug users, friends, family and supporting community groups in Nanaimo held a rally and march April 16 as part of the National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis. CHRIS BUSH/Nanaimo News Bulletin

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Drug users harming themselves

Letter writer was appalled by the National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis

To the editor,

Re: Opioid overdose crisis leads to call to action in Nanaimo, April 18.

I was appalled by the National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis, and the speech “we’re here today to hold the government accountable.” What happened to common sense and taking responsibility for your own actions? If I choose to play Russian roulette and injure myself, I’ll blame the government and demand it care for me. Who cares if I become a burden on society?

We descended into this insanity when we labelled illegal drugs as ‘recreational.’ It’s time we put the blame back where it belongs and stop this wave of entitlement.

Annie Maxim, Nanaimo

RELATED: Nanaimo joins National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis

RELATED: On National Day of Action, expert says overdose crisis is not about pain

RELATED: B.C. opioid overdoses still killing four people a day, health officials say

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