A little common sense is needed during COVID-19 panic, says letter writer. (File photo)

A little common sense is needed during COVID-19 panic, says letter writer. (File photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fear of COVID-19 doing more harm than good

People have lost their ability for rational thinking, says letter writer

To the editor,

I feel that the recent panic being displayed by so much of society right now regarding the COVID-19 scare may be causing more harm than good.

Health care professionals can’t do their life-saving work without their protective gear which includes gloves and masks. There are people with pre-existing health problems and compromised immune systems that require items such as the hand sanitizers, gloves and masks. Leaving them unable to obtain those extremely necessary items could put their lives in immediate danger.

Also, how many rolls of toilet paper does one person need? Understandably, we might all be wise to prepare for the possibility of a two-week quarantine period should we test positive for the virus, but some rational thinking might be in dire need right now. What about the people who are living paycheck to paycheck and are not able to purchase vast amounts of supplies? And the elderly neighbour, for instance, that can only shop once a week, and carry very little?

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And what is the message are we sending to our children? I’ve heard of children being scared and confused by what is happening around them. It must be horrible for the young ones who do not understand why they can’t go to the pool, the movie theatre, school, etc. while some of their parents are running around like maniacs grabbing everything in sight with no consideration for anyone else. The message being sent to our children is one of ridiculous selfish greed, lack of empathy and utter fear. Are we not supposed to nurture our children and make them feel safe? Right now, the children are being traumatized by fear of the unknown and by their own fear-mongering parents.

It seems like everyone has lost their ability for rational thinking and human kindness. Many are looking out for themselves, leaving their neighbours, those less fortunate, the elderly and the immunocompromised without.

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Come on people, get a grip. Just use your common sense. Buy enough groceries etc. to sustain yourself for two weeks in case this becomes necessary. Leave the medical supplies to the medical system and those who really need it. In the end, if you need those supplies and that medical help, that help will be available to you.

It is time to show some humanity and compassion. Take only what you need and leave the rest for others. Be good and kind and help your fellow man. Explain to your children all that they can understand or need to know for their age. If you are sick, stay home. Cough into your sleeve. Avoid handshaking and crowds. Wash your hands! Lead by example and do your best to be a good human at this time of great uncertainty.

Valerie McKay, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: RDN Transit won’t charge bus fare amid COVID-19 pandemic

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The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

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