To the editor,
Re: Cost estimate for extension of walkway is $25-30 million, June 16.
Council is talking about spending $20 million-plus on the Nanaimo Harbourfront Walkway and I ask why?
Why do we need more walkways when we already have hundreds of kilometres of neglected walkways stretching to every corner of Nanaimo now? We have thousands of people using these walkways and enjoying them every day. They are our streets and sidewalks that our tax dollars have already paid for and the city often neglects.
They can be enjoyed without building transportation hubs, adding more buses and creating more parking lots from our tax dollars. These walkways help us to connect with not just what is happening around us but with the actual people around us too. Yes, these ‘walkways’ do need money spent on them, removing the open ditches, repairing pot holes in the street and some new sidewalks would be nice. Improving these existing walkways requires less money than the waterfront walkway and it is way better for everyone. Spend tax dollars wisely on street improvements that improves the lives of everyone, not just a few.
Terrence Wagstaff, Nanaimo
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: City hasn’t shown it has capability to build walkway
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Spend money building walkway, not drawing it
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