The Front Street cycle track is now open for use downtown. (Chris Bush/News Bulletin)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Front Street’s criss-cross lines don’t make sense

There are several very real flaws in this Front Street traffic scenario, says letter writer

To the editor,

After a walk in the sunshine along the waterfront, I walked up to Front Street to catch a bus home. It was the first time in months that I had been along the waterfront so my question is this. What in the world are all the lines criss-crossing the road and where is all the traffic?

However, I saw the bus shelter so sat there to wait for the bus, which came, but stopped away from the shelter in the multi-line-decorated road. The driver informed me and the only other pick-up passenger that we would have to watch for the bus.

There are several very real flaws in this Front Street traffic scenario, especially as it pertains to public transit. There are no clear signs as to where the bus will stop. A ‘bus stop’ sign sits clearly in the middle of the multi-lined road but surely passengers cannot be expected to risk their lives by standing in the middle of the road. After all they may still be in the wrong segment of the maze.

Most bus passengers have good reasons for using public transit. Some have mobility issues, others are parents with young families, many are elderly and there are scores of other reasons.

Waiting in the bus shelter for the bus does seem very reasonable. However, with next to no traffic along Front Street, maybe a shelter in the middle of the road would work.

In conclusion, it would appear we are waiting for the first deadly accident to occur on Front Street. The decision makers in council must be held accountable for such incompetent and incomprehensible re-structuring of Front Street before such a tragedy occurs.

Joy Murray, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Front Street re-design is folly

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bike lanes help cyclists enjoy a safer commute

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Nanaimo’s hills aren’t cycle-friendly

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bike lanes can help to encourage more cycling

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Nanaimo News Bulletin