Stock photoGasoline prices are setting new records in Victoria and Metro Vancouver.

Stock photoGasoline prices are setting new records in Victoria and Metro Vancouver.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fuel supply requires pipeline expansion

As gasoline production is curtailed, consumer demand will force prices higher, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: John Horgan says spike in gasoline prices is profit-taking, not taxes, April 4.

Our B.C. Premier John Horgan proclaims that our recent high prices in gasoline are not caused by higher government taxes, but instead are caused by oil industry gouging as crude oil prices have not risen accordingly.

What really happened is that some of our gasoline comes from U.S. refineries that have recently significantly reduced gasoline production due to maintenance and repair. As gasoline production is curtailed, consumer demand will force gasoline prices to go higher while crude prices can remain flat or even decline because reduced refinery capacity cannot take in more crude. It is time for Horgan to brush up on basic economics and give his approval to build the pipeline between Edmonton and Burnaby to ship more gasoline to the West Coast.

Anthonie den Boef, Nanoose Bay

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