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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Gasoline, not batteries, keeps us going and going

There is more energy in a barrel of oil than the best battery pack on offer, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Electric cars aren’t a saviour yet on a warming globe, Opinion, March 19.

I hope my low-information friends on the left recognize that we have two new huge gas stations locally between Lantzville and Parksville. Yup, no matter what Horgan tells you, dead dinosaurs are likely going to be powering your car for some time and definitely powering the trucks that brings most goods to you. There is more stored energy in a barrel of oil (about 17 times) than the best battery pack on offer. Oh and that battery pack is over 1,200 pounds compared to 275-300 pounds for a barrel of oil. In fact if you replaced that battery pack with gasoline you’d likely be able to travel over 7,500 kilometres compared to just over 320 kilometres. And of course it takes less than 10 minutes to fill your car and 75 minutes to fully charge a Tesla at one of their supercharging stations.

I’m thinking that energizer bunny has gas.

Grant Maxwell, Nanaimo

RELATED: Premier says spike in gasoline prices is profit-taking, not taxes

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