Letter to the editor: Get out and vote in Revelstoke

Revelstoke beware, a very important election is coming soon and you really need to get out and vote!

Letter to the editor: Get out and vote in Revelstoke

Revelstoke beware, a very important election is coming soon and you really need to get out and vote!

I believe this will be the most important election of our time.

You really have to look over the candidates as we have some pro development people who might not know the real cost, and guess what, the tax payers of Revelstoke will pick up the tab.

There seems to be a real need for greed creeping into our community. Numbered companies that have bought up a lot of our ALR lands around Revelstoke. I watched many communities lose these lands to development only to have unsafe, polluted waters and air quality, ( Kamloops last winter had a stay indoor air quality warnings for the citizens, is this what we want!).

I have witnessed raw sewage that ended up on our beach south of Revelstoke.

We need a council that understands the pollution that comes with development.

What’s next?

Slow down and take a breath of fresh air ( while you still can ) filling millionaires pockets with money for their sub standard building and design ( I have seen man camps that look like MacKenzie Village) and constructed the same way since when did we start applauding this type of construction, shame on this developer, put some style in your plans.

I have noticed illegal vacation homes in Revelstoke that I don’t think pay their fair share of taxes, these units use at least 2-3 times the water a normal household would use, discharging 2-3 times the sewer, make these people pay, enforce the law.

Maybe water meters are the answer.

We need to look at all the six figure talent we have at City Hall and see if there is any room for cuts there. I haven’t seen any miracles out of there lately that’s for sure.

Let’s not forget there is no grant fairy, this money comes from taxes one way or another, so saying “we got grant for this and that” ( and some of these grants go to questionable projects) in reality is just another taxpayer handout.

I hope we get a down to earth council that understands there was a strong vibrant community here long before our international success.

We love this community and will always defend the people and environment who were here first. We need to keep our rural character otherwise it won’t be REVELSTOKE.

To many koolaid stands ruin the flavour and there are a lot of people with a bad taste in their mouths from all these attempted assaults on our rural life style.

So Revelstoke do your homework and get out to vote, our very future depends on you! Trust me there are a couple of wolves in sheep’s clothing running for council, so let’s not let these new comers to Revelstoke steer our beautiful community in the wrong direction.

Thank you for your thoughtful participation in this terms election. Democracy only works if you vote!

-Daren Corneliuson

Revelstoke Review