Letter to the Editor: Gloria Manning-Smee

City’s slogan an accurate reflection

I would like to thank city council and the City of Castlegar planners and workers, Communities in Bloom, and any other individuals (paid or volunteer) involved with keeping Castlegar so beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

From the tidiness of the streets to the grooming of the green places, flower beds and beautification areas, it has all impressed me over the years with each year seemingly getting better. So kudos go to everyone who takes such pride in their work!

Loving our Sculpturewalk (and the fact that so many businesses and other places have purchased or rented out sculptures to give some artistry to their spaces too), I have become aware that we have positively influenced Trail and Nelson also.

I love the different lights (LED and regular ones) and the welcoming wooden signs and fountains as individuals enter our fair town. The varied coloured flags and banners around the city of the light standards are also very welcoming and are artistic and colourful to look at. Each little touch adds so much to make our town unique, not to mention the good energy it brings.

We are a culturally diverse town, one that embodies an embracing of different individuals and cultures. It is the awareness that we each have a right to be here, to join in our Castlegar community family to help support one another and yes, I think the multi-hued rainbow sidewalk is awesome, as it truly represents diversity in all its many forms.

Not only is Castlegar beautiful to look at, but for the most part, the people who live here add to this beauty — one heart at a time by their friendliness, kindness, and service to the many groups and ages of people that we have in this town, especially when one finds themselves down on their luck.

Sometimes I overhear conversations of many individuals striving for ongoing education and insight, who are pleased there are various activities offered here for children, youth, seniors and families, whether it’s seasonal, monthly, or weekly. Add in our college facilities, the art gallery, museums, and the aquatic and recreation centre (not to mention the many businesses who offer services) and it is no wonder that we are becoming a great and attractive focal point for the West Kootenay.

Now the wonderful addition of the ponds and amenities to Millennium Park is well underway. I’m thinking maybe Castlegar really is “happily ever after.”

Gloria Manning-Smee



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