Letters to the Editor (file photo)

Letters to the Editor (file photo)

Letter to the editor: I absolutely concur with the previous writer’s thoughts

"No trustee should be placed in a position of living in fear that he or she can't speak their mind in a factual matter and speak for the constituents they represent"

By Larry J. Binks, Creston

As a former regional director for the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s (RDCK) Area C, when I was trying to work collaboratively with some of the then-current trustees, it was always extremely difficult and non-productive.

I absolutely concur with the previous writer’s thoughts, with the exception that I’m not the least bit surprised by this disrespectful and irresponsible behaviour. Given the fact that an absentee trustee is allowed to continue to not serve her constituents while collecting the monthly stipend for doing and contributing nothing of value — also the constant verbal, written and removal from board committees that trustee Al Gribbin receives for doing his job representing the constituents that elected him to speak for them is unconscionable — this type of behaviour is nothing short of bullying and harassment in the workplace.

It’s my understanding that the board of trustees is in charge of the staff, not the other way around and I would respectfully suggest that the trustees, including the chair, take a good look at themselves and their behaviour and focus on the job at hand instead of this petty absurdity that is going on around the board table.

No trustee should be placed in a position of living in fear that he or she can’t speak their mind in a factual matter and speak for the constituents they represent. Al Gribbin is the only trustee that we ever hear from in the Creston Valley, now isn’t that interesting!

READ MORE: Letter to the editor: Trustees should serve students instead of themselves

Creston Valley Advance