Bags of garbage that was collected by Nova Morgan and her friend along a short stretch of Canyon-Lister Road in September. Photo submitted by Signe Miller

Bags of garbage that was collected by Nova Morgan and her friend along a short stretch of Canyon-Lister Road in September. Photo submitted by Signe Miller

Letter to the editor: I am so tired of people using my neighbourhood as their trash bin

"How can you justify throwing trash out of the window of your vehicle? Where do you think it is going?"

By Signe Miller, Creston

SHAME! Nova Morgan, 21, and her friend collected all this trash, cans and bottles along a short stretch of Canyon-Lister Road during the week of Sept. 20. All of it has been discarded from passing vehicles.

I am so tired of people using my neighbourhood as their trash bin. How can you justify throwing trash out of the window of your vehicle? Where do you think it is going? How long before it disappears? Were you taught this as a child? Where are you when I, and my friends, are cleaning up your mess along the roadways? You are welcome!

Creston Valley Advance