LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Invasive plants shouldn’t be sold

Perhaps it is time that stores and garden centres took some responsibility, says letter writer

The city and volunteers do a good job removing invasive species, yet garden centres continue to sell these invasive plants, laments letter writer. (File photo)

To the editor,

The City of Nanaimo is doing a very commendable job in removing invasive plants from the city and supporting organizations such as Broombusters that target one particular invasive plant: Scotch broom.

I have never found that it makes any sense that we are busy removing invasive plants from the city such as English ivy and yet we are able to purchase English ivy and other invasive plants at stores and garden centres.

I have communicated this lack-of-sense issue with all three levels of government and can’t seem to get answers or any action. It seems very simplistic: just don’t allow invasive plants to be sold.

Since the governments aren’t dealing with this, perhaps it is time that stores and garden centres took some responsibility and stopped selling these items. It is also time that people stopped purchasing these items.

To find out which species are invasive go onto the City of Nanaimo’s website. They have a list of invasive plants.

Lynn Kropinak, Lantzville

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Nanaimo News Bulletin