Letter to the Editor: John Gibson

Board should rethink Blueberry sale

Re: “Dance band toss up: gyrate, shake and shuffle,” and “Blueberry Creek school closer to sale,” May 29

Gord Turner’s Spots in Time hit the nail on the head. I was unable to be at the event he wrote about but my friends who were there all agreed that it was not up their (the band’s) usual standard.

Another subject: Why is School District 20 wanting to get rid of Blueberry school? It is used by the youth and people of the area and around Blueberry for activities, which is in my mind education and is also used by other groups.

Does the school board think that the nearest place for the people in Blueberry to go for any type of activity is just around the corner and not miles away? In the Castlegar area SD 20 has closed to my knowledge two schools.

How many more schools do they wish to close before they have to start rebuilding schools in the future? It looks like the SD20 board does not like education. So why don’t they just close all the schools in the area?

John Gibson






Castlegar News