Nanaimo Courthouse. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Justice system is failing us

Crime rampant, police overworked, businesses targeted, citizens unsafe, says letter writer

To the editor,

Each day I watch news reports showing violent crimes being committed such as stabbings and violent shoplifting with the suspect arrested and released the same day, always with a promise to appear. They re-offend as soon as released.

Many have numerous priors for the same or similar offences yet the courts continually release them only for them to continue their crime sprees with impunity. How is this possible?

What can we do as citizens to bring our concerns to the proper authorities and for them to give us solid reasons why this is happening? Crime is rampant, police are overworked, business owners are continually targeted, citizens do not feel safe even in their homes yet the courts seem to be completely out of touch to what is happening.

Things have gone past ridiculous, judges must be considered responsible when they release these people.

Things must change as this policy is not working.

Timothy Hurt, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin