A rendering of what the rebuilt Nanaimo Correctional Centre might look like. (IBI Group Architects image)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lakeside jail with amenities won’t help in deterring crime

Letter writer supports rehabilitation but says designs seem 'a little much'

To the editor,

Re: Jail receives redevelopment permit, Sept. 1.

Seriously? $167 million to update a facility whose “residents” are there because they have been convicted of crimes and deemed a risk to the general population? They are there as a punishment for not following the rules of society.

I’m all for rehabilitation but a knoll, recreation facilities and views of the lake seem a little much. Not much of a deterrent for being a criminal, is it?

Darrin Gilmore, Cedar

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Serving a sentence is no joke

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: New jail seems overly luxurious

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Nanaimo News Bulletin