A portion of a District of Lantzville official community plan map showing the location of the upper Lantzville-Ware Road special plan area. (District of Lantzville image)

A portion of a District of Lantzville official community plan map showing the location of the upper Lantzville-Ware Road special plan area. (District of Lantzville image)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lantzville development density can be increased

Former councillor addresses 'persistent ongoing misinformation'

To the editor,

Re: Lantzville council must honour OCP, Letters, Oct. 28.

I am writing in response to the persistent ongoing misinformation around the proposed Clark-Medd subdivision in Lantzville, in particular statements that the subdivision as proposed ignores or somehow doesn’t comply with the official community plan.

As was clearly laid out by the district’s director of planning in his report to council May 11, and reiterated by him at the meeting: the proposal “is 100 per cent consistent with the goals and objectives of the OCP and is consistent with good planning principles and our sustainability objectives.”

Reference is often made to a guideline in the OCP that states a range of lot numbers allowable, but never the subsequent statement that says it can be increased if additional amenities are offered.

In support of the additional number of units proposed, the property owner has offered considerable additional amenities, including: two hectares of land for community facilities; 0.25ha for an existing reservoir; $50,000 for the waterfront parkland acquisition reserve fund; additional greenspace; construction of trails connecting to Ware Road, the Island Highway, and the E&N Regional Trail; and the list goes on. In addition to providing more much-needed affordable housing, the increased number of units also increases contributions to the water connection reserve fund to $1.65 million and DCCs to $4.47 million – monies the district dearly needs for infrastructure.

If people don’t like the development, fine, just don’t use misinformation to justify your opinion.

Bob Colclough, Lantzville

READ ALSO: Lantzville approves ‘contentious’ development, will mail out explanatory letter

READ ALSO: Lantzville council moves along Clark-Medd project amid protest outside district hall

READ ALSO: Lantzville developer agrees to compromise on density of major project

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