Letter writer challenges residents to pick up litter in their neighbourhoods.

Letter writer challenges residents to pick up litter in their neighbourhoods.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Litter pickup challenge issued

We should not have litter on our streets. We do and it is disgusting.

To the editor,

Come on Canada, show your real pride.

We should not have litter on our streets. We do and it is disgusting. Cigarette butts and packages, fast food wrappers, beer cans, etc. It is never ending.

If everybody does a little, we will see a difference. Picking up litter is not a one time thing. Every citizen who cares about their community has to do their part.

People who litter do not care; responsible citizens have to pick up the litter or as we can plainly see it is going to accumulate.

I challenge everyone: if you really care about your community, once a week go out and walk a block in front of your home or a street that needs it. Wear some gloves, bring a bag and do it for community pride. Together we can make a difference. Winter is coming. If we all work together we can get our city clean before it snows.

MaryLou Sharpe, Nanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin