It’s speeders who cause accidents, not the drivers doing the posted limits, says letter writer. (News Bulletin file photo)

It’s speeders who cause accidents, not the drivers doing the posted limits, says letter writer. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lower speeds make us safer

The writer of the beef about decreases to speed limits is obviously a speeder, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 19.

The writer of the beef about decreases to speed limits all over the Island is obviously a speeder.

The reduction in speed limits in various areas was done to reduce speeding and the increased accident frequency that was consequently occurring.

The writer feels that everyone on the highway is driving 10 to 20 kilometres over the speed limits and that the odd person doing the posted limit is an “accident waiting to happen.” The reverse is true – it is a known fact and proven from accident statistics that it’s the speeders who cause the accidents, combined with following too close and weaving in and out of the traffic.

Another factor is that high speeds lead to more severe accidents, injuries and loss of life.

Slow down and smell the roses before you are planted under them, or someone is maimed or killed.

I often laugh at speedsters who pass me by and then at the next traffic light I pull up beside them. What was gained?

M. Price, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: No need to wait to enforce new speed limit in the north end

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Nanaimo News Bulletin