Letter to the Editor: Mary Hatlevik

The Rossland Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society wishes to thank the residents of Rossland for their ongoing commitment.

The Rossland Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society wishes to thank the residents of Rossland for their ongoing commitment year after year in support of the April Campaign.  Over $12,500 was pledged at the door this year along with $2400 in daffodil sales.

Thanks to you and the many other generous donors across BC and the Yukon, the Canadian Cancer Society will be able to continue funding important research, prevention and support programs.

The monies raised in Rossland from door-to-door and the selling of daffodils and daffodil pins would not have been possible without this community’s dedicated volunteers.

We are very grateful for all your support and wish to thank each and every one of you for joining us in the fight for life.  Together we can change cancer forever.

Mary Hatlevik

Unit Leader – Rossland

Canadian Cancer Society


Rossland News