Protesters march on Nanaimo’s Commercial Street last September, calling for greater protection of B.C.’s old-growth forests. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: More old growth needs protecting

Public support for protecting old-growth forests is evident, says letter writer

To the editor,

The new NDP majority government campaigned on a promise to implement all 14 of the old-growth review panel recommendations received in April.

The government keeps boasting about deferring logging in 353,000 hectares in September, but only 3,800 hectares of those areas were actually at-risk old-growth, which means 99 per cent of remaining, productive old growth forests were excluded from this announcement.

Public support for protecting old growth is evident: 55,000-plus people have signed a petition to end logging in at-risk old growth forests across B.C, and thousands more have sent e-mails, made phone calls, and reached out on social media. More broadly, Sierra Club’s recent polling indicates that over 90 per cent of people living in British Columbia support action to protect endangered old-growth forests.

This immediate action for old growth is dire. But it shouldn’t end there. The B.C. government must also work with, and support, Indigenous nations on long-term strategies.

Stand as leaders of change.

Johanne Saraceno, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Activists hunker down to protect Fairy Creek near Port Renfrew from logging

READ ALSO: Protesters blockading log-sort operation at Nanaimo’s Duke Point

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Nanaimo News Bulletin