Concept logo for a ‘100,000 Voices’ campaign to build community and pride of place in Nanaimo. (City of Nanaimo image)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Nanaimo’s civic pride plans will suffer ‘failure to launch’

100,000 Voices campaign is a non-essential project, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: City gets started on 100,000 Voices campaign to try to build civic pride, March 31.

I have noticed over the years living in Nanaimo that the city will from time to time come out with promises of job creation, projects, etc.

Now it seems at this particular time, that the city is letting loose with a barrage of self-boosting civic pride ideas onto the good citizens of Nanaimo, who, instead of being suckered into the continuing political spin-doctor line, should unite in protest. It’s the Nanaimo taxpayers’ money that’s getting wasted on frivolous, non-essential projects like this one which is yet another in the line of failure-to-launch ideas that end up costing the Nanaimo taxpayers their money. And that’s not right in my books.

Al Munro, Nanaimo

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