LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Niqab a form of oppression

Division is created when demanding Canadians accept oppression, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Niqab ban not Canadian, Letters, Oct. 31.

Claiming that niqab bans are un-Canadian, attack Muslims and wither the flag of “tolerance and inclusiveness” requires an unveiling of truths. Canadians didn’t ask for offensive seventh-century ideology but rather extended an invitation to a better life embracing Western values, including separation of church and state, and equality of the sexes.

We like body language, smiles and honest eyes. We bathe in sunshine and wind in our hair. We enjoy self-expression and telling each other apart from impressive distances.

A niqab ban doesn’t create divisiveness. Division is created when demanding Canadians accept oppression.

This is Nanaimo, ‘the West,’ and we love our women for all they are and all they can be. We love our society that values both women and men as equals in humanity and aspirations. We love that in the West women can be fun and flirty, smart and reserved, and even sexy without being branded sinners to be stoned.

If we Canadians are so poorly protecting your freedoms, you know where the airport is.

Chris J. Vaughan Griffiths, Nanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin