Protesters march in downtown Nanaimo last month in opposition to the federal government’s Kinder Morgan pipeline purchase. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

Protesters march in downtown Nanaimo last month in opposition to the federal government’s Kinder Morgan pipeline purchase. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Oil investment a ‘race to the bottom’

We need to be scaling back on fossil fuel use, not ramping up, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Federal government pushes pipeline at any cost, Editorial, May 31.

In this age of known, likely human caused climate change we need to be scaling back on fossil fuel use, not ramping up. We can’t meet our climate targets as it is.

Despite all the federal government’s stated efforts to reduce climate change, ultimately they mean nothing if the Canadian tar sands carry on with business as usual. Start with leaving that in the ground.

According to the Government of Canada website, “In 2016 the oil and gas sector was the largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 26 per cent of total national emissions. This increase is mostly attributable to the increased production of crude oil and the expansion of the oil sands industry.”

The Kinder Morgan pipeline will not get built, despite politicians playing politics. More importantly, because Canadians increasingly don’t have the stomach for this race to the bottom.

Tony Jarvis, Gabriola Island

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

Nanaimo News Bulletin