NICHOLAS PESCOD/The News BulletinPrime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal candidate Michelle Corfield campaign on the waterfront last Monday.

NICHOLAS PESCOD/The News BulletinPrime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal candidate Michelle Corfield campaign on the waterfront last Monday.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Party politics cause cynicism

Federal byelection is but another 'partyocratic' photo-op for our current leader, says letter writer

To the editor,

Our upcoming federal byelection is but another ‘partyocratic’ photo-op for our current leader. The Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta once ruled that our elected MPs have no legal obligation to represent their constituents. A global study of western parliamentary governments found that Canada’s governance ranked dead last for being the most autocratic and pluralistic. Translation – we elect a new dictator every four years who sets national policy entirely on the whims of special interests, with little or no regard for the people of Canada. It is all very clear when one stops to really observe the behaviour of our politicians. One must therefore question why anyone would expend the energy to the lifting of a pencil on election day.

If you are feeling as angry and fed up as me, I encourage you to Google ‘partyocracy’ and follow the proverbial bread crumbs. We the people can invoke the necessary change but we must get involved and stop accepting the status quo.

J.G. Smith, Nanaimo

RELATED: Prime Minister Trudeau comes campaigning in Nanaimo

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The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin. If you have a different view, we encourage you to write to us or contribute to the discussion below.

Nanaimo News Bulletin