Just how are bylaw officers supposed to enforce a new animal responsibility bylaw, asks letter writer. (Stock photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Pet bylaw an ‘anti-animal act’

Letter writer says he's an animal lover but thinks proposed animal responsibility bylaw is ridiculous

To the editor,

Re: Bylaw being considered to keep cats from roaming, Nov. 11.

As an animal lover, I find this particular bylaw to be not only a daffy draft but also an utterly ridiculous idea to have come from the city.

The person who drafted the bylaw is obviously not an animal lover by any meaning of the word, as this proposed bylaw reads a lot more like an anti-animal act.

This also raises two inquiring questions: Just how much money is this going to cost the Nanaimo taxpayers and just how are the bylaw officers supposed to enforce it? 1-800-SNITCH?

The animal lovers of Nanaimo will no doubt send this to the appropriate place – the litter box.

Al Munro, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: ‘Voluminous’ public response prompts City of Nanaimo to delay animal responsibility bylaw

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Nanaimo News Bulletin