Letter to the editor: Photo showcases cruelty

This letter is in response to the picture of the calf during the Quesnel High School Rodeo.


This letter is in response to the picture of the calf during the Quesnel High School Rodeo. The calf was so little and there’s this huge horse thundering behind him, I can’t imagine how that little calf felt. Oh wait, yes I can – I’m sure he was scared out of his mind.

I hate rodeos and circuses and other venues who mistreat animals.

Was that calf taken from venue to venue to endure this act over and over?

For most of the animals in circuses and rodeos these poor scared animals are taken from venue to venue to perform. Shame on us that we allow this to happen.

Abuse happens all the time – to people (adults and children) and all types of animals. Abuse of all needs to stop. I think that scared little calf in your cover photo would agree.

Susan Radke



Quesnel Cariboo Observer