Stock photoReusable shopping bags are one of the ways we can cut down on using plastic, says letter writer.

Stock photoReusable shopping bags are one of the ways we can cut down on using plastic, says letter writer.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Plastic is rapidly piling up

We need to recycle everything we can, says letter writer

To the editor,

I recently learned that only five per cent of plastic is recycled. I was in shock when I heard this. I’m prepared to do anything I can to save our environment. We need to recycle everything like takeout containers, takeout cups, lip balm containers, plastic cutlery, and then returning bottles and cans to the bottle depot. If you’re ever unsure if an item can be recycled or not, Google it. Please try your hardest to dispose of everything as correctly as possible.

I think part of the problem is that there are way more garbage bins then recycling bins everywhere in the world. Every store and everywhere on the streets that there are garbage bins, there should also be recycling, returnable, and compostable bins. This will help to dispose of everything correctly. I’m definitely seeing more of this but still not enough.

Lately the problem is that we have too much plastic. We need to limit ourselves. I’ve been doing a few things to limit plastic in our Earth. I bring my own plastic straws and cutlery in my purse whenever I go out in case I want to get something to eat or drink. This is very important to start doing with straws because they can’t be recycled at all which means they’re all ending up in our ocean and hurting all of the plants and animals. I also always have my own reusable bag handy so I never have to use a plastic bag.

I really hope people read all of this and start to care about what plastic is doing to our environment because it’s getting to the point where it’s almost impossible to solve. But I do believe we can fix this.

Stella Parr, Nanaimo

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