Nanaimo city hall. (News Bulletin file photo)

Nanaimo city hall. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Property tax increase ‘heartless’ in these hard times

Pandemic has cost people their jobs, notes letter writer

To the editor,

Re: City of Nanaimo finalizes property tax rate, tax notices being mailed, May 20.

I’m writing to you today regarding the Nanaimo property tax notice we just received for our home. The taxes went up 11.3 per cent since last year.

It seems to me that during a pandemic when people are losing their jobs that’s a very heartless thing to do.

My wife and I have a rental property and when we found out that our tenant lost their job we offered them a 10-per cent discount for two months. Not trying to pat myself on the back but I think that’s what you should do, not raise taxes.

Robert Veltman, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cancel tax increase

READ ALSO: City of Nanaimo finalizes property tax rate

READ ALSO: Lantzville finds budget savings, but isn’t dipping into reserves

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Nanaimo News Bulletin